I grew up in the southeast US, mostly in Oak Ridge, TN. Went to college at St John's in Santa Fe for a year, went broke, stayed in SF for a few years, moved to Manhattan, KS to go back to school, but couldn’t make up my mind what I wanted to do, so just quit and worked in a college bookstore for a while. I relocated to Minneapolis in about ’87 and worked in another college bookstore. I didn’t do much photography during the 90’s, concentrating mostly on love and career. I retrained to be a computer software engineer in '97, but after the Y2K frenzy I was a bit burned out and turned to photography again. I got into large format photography from a long-term desire. More recently I've been using the 4x5 camera a lot and, on the other end of the size spectrum, got back into 35mm after a 20 year absence. As of 2007, I have been delving into digital more seriously and have been slowly teaching myself digital printing. I still mostly print in the darkroom, but for color it's all digital.
I currently live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and can be contacted via email at: